Imagine you’re getting ready to join a live class on your newly purchased course on emerging JavaScript frameworks. And then suddenly, you can’t access the...
Tutor LMS has played a major part in expanding online education with state-of-the-art features such as Elementor integration, advanced push notification, online meeting capabilities, and...
Zoom was one of the most stand-out companies providing a huge value to everyone in this pandemic-ridden world back in 2020; it continues to do...
YouTube – if you think it is only a kingdom for entertainment, think again. Which platform do you naturally gravitate towards whenever you need to...
Good Day, Tutor LMS users! Hope you all are happy, healthy, and safe! Today we are back and updating Tutor LMS to its newest version...
“What platform should I use?” is probably one of the most crucial questions that budding educators ask themselves while researching where to start. And that’s...
Hi all! We’re back again with some amazing news for eLearning enthusiasts among our readers. Today we’re proud to introduce Tutor Starter, an amazing WordPress...
Incorporating membership features into a website offers various advantages. When you limit access to your website through membership, you can create content that’s only available...
Good morning Tutor LMS users! It’s been a while since we’ve updated you on the latest developments in your favorite eLearning plugin. This update consists...
Another week, and another update to Tutor LMS! As promised, we’re working hard and making a lot of progress in creating a more stable, reliable,...
Gamification is a smart means to make a course exciting. In recent times when a large portion of education has moved online, adding this feature...
Hello Tutor LMS users! We’ve got a freshly baked update for Tutor LMS this week, and it promises to fix all your eLearning cravings. In...